How much more revenue is available from simple tweaks to the website that persuade advertisers to book an appointment?
Keep in mind that wherever a prospective  advertiser discovered your brand, they are going to wind up on your website.
Maybe they were contacted by a rep, received a magazine or email, saw a social post, Googled the category, or got a referral. In any of these cases, most are going to research the website to check-out the advertising page – if they can find it.
Multiple case studies of website optimization for different media products have shown double and triple conversion rates for self-serve products, from small changes in the user experience, such as moving the product into the top navigation bar, cutting down the number of “clicks” to buy, reducing time spent scrolling and sharpening the messaging.
When the Chicago Sun-Times put exposed a classified category in the top navigation bar, they received a  200 to 300% increase in conversions, from one or two leads a week to five to seven.
How much general advertising revenue could be available if the website was optimized to make it easier for advertisers to find the link, and if the landing page did more of the work, pre-selling the client?
Here’s a way to start the calculation:
Estimate the # of new leads per month x 12 months x average annual revenues per advertiser = Total revenues from unsolicited leadsÂ
Now that you know the revenue from new leads, how much revenue would be gained by a 30% increase? By 100%?
An extra 2 or 3 leads a month, with an average annual sale of $6000, is an extra $144,000 created with no additional sellers.
This does not even consider that advertisers contacted by media sellers are also researching the website, as are the team members who did not participate in the sales call.
Access the full report on all the ways to optimize a media website to increase advertising leads.